Thank you for the post. We receive many requests for merchandise throughout the course of a year. In the spirit of fairness, we are not able to honor requests for complimentary merchandise. We hope you understand our position in this matter.
Thank you for your understanding.
Happy fishing!
Rapala USA
Do you offer any type of yearly fee for different lure sent every month, specific to the anglers preference of fish he’s after with possible switches to different species during the year ? I think that would be interesting.
Tim Morse
Locke ny heart of the finger lakes
I’d mucch rather see a video of the lures action underwater or at least the theory behind it.
Thanks for the post. This video does!
displeased that the commercial didnt show any footage of how the lure action looks in the water rich mc
Thanks for the post. This video does!
I love Ivo’s videos. I also enjoy his T Turn rigs. Good fishing to all.
Can I get one free would like to try. William hetherson 319 n.blakely st dunmore pa 18512
Thank you for the post. We receive many requests for merchandise throughout the course of a year. In the spirit of fairness, we are not able to honor requests for complimentary merchandise. We hope you understand our position in this matter.
Thank you for your understanding.
Happy fishing!
Rapala USA
Do you offer any type of yearly fee for different lure sent every month, specific to the anglers preference of fish he’s after with possible switches to different species during the year ? I think that would be interesting.
Tim Morse
Locke ny heart of the finger lakes
No such programs currently. But we will share your suggestion with the proper departments!