Rapala® doesn’t just have a rich history, it makes history. More International Game Fish Association world-record fish were caught in 2016 on Rapala lures than on any other brand of baits, again. Among the 14 new IGFA world-record fish caught on Rapala baits last year was a 47 lb. 8 oz. Papuan Black Snapper.

More IGFA world-record fish have been caught on Rapalas than on any other lure brand in history – over 500! These world-record catches are a source of pride for Rapala employees across the globe.

“We are pleased and proud that, once again, more world records were caught on Rapala lures in 2016 than any other brand of lures,” says Rapala USA President Tom Mackin. “All over the world, big fish eat little fish that swim like a Rapala. It proves that with Rapala, any angler has a shot at catching a world-record fish.”

But you don’t have to be record-setter to enjoy setting the hook with a Rapala tied on. “Anglers across the globe catch more fish, make more memories and put more fillets on the table with Rapala baits,” Mackin says.

Rapala is the first and only lure manufacturer to receive an IGFA Lifetime Achievement Award.

Rapala lures are sold in 140 countries. Anglers have caught world-record catches with them on every continent but Antarctica.

More World Records
Rapala scales determined the weight of 124 IGFA world-record catches in 2016, including a 52 lb. 9 oz. tope shark landed on 6-lb-test line.

Nine new world-record fish were caught in 2016 on Sufix fishing line, including a 188 lb. 3 oz. tarpon in the junior-angler category. Storm baits yielded a new IGFA world-record catch as well. Sufix and Storm are among the many respected names in the Rapala family of brands.

See Rapala Lures


  1. Over the years and I mean many, there are no other lures I found that work better then Rapala/Storm. No doubt about it, your lures are top of the line materials , fish cannot refuse them, action is at the tip of the fisherman’s fingertips, down right unfair to the fish. Until two years ago I never had one complaint, none. Then came along a lure called a shadow rap. I bought a bunch since I felt they would work great. Well I never boated one fish on any of them, the one reason is the hooks are so weak they often straightened out well before landing the fish. They seemed to work well in the hooking part but no fish in the boat. Weak hooks. I lodged a formal complaint with Rapala a year ago and never got one person to even call me. So I am still buying , but feel you guys shoved it up my butt on that one. Storm makes great lures and happy they are now part of your organization. You make the best lures on the market. No doubt about it.

    • Thank you for the post and the feedback. The Shadow Rap is a jerkbait designed for cold weather/light bites. The treble hooks used on the Shadow Raps are different from the standard hooks found on our other lures. These are a lighter wire hook. This thinner wire allows for very sticky hooks for cold weather bass…Light bites. The “stickier” the hook, the better the chance of a hook up when they bite light in cold water. This is the intention of the hook. So if you are using braid and your drag is very tight, the below issues will occur. Be sure to check your setup when using this lure and to loosen the drag up. Below is a video that we think you will find helpful!
      Thank you for your patience
      Rapala USA

  2. Pingback: Rapala Lures Have Caught More World Records Than Any Others - Hawaii Pig Hunter

  3. I still reckon for fresh water trout the Rapala Original floating is “the” best lure ever made. On Rivers a size #3 or #5 on light spinning tackle is hard to beat especially when worked across the current.
    Gold and Silver of normal to overcast days and when the water is murky or running high I switch to Firetiger or orange/silver.

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