Every Bite Counts. Don’t Miss Even One.

Your rod. Your reel. Your fishing line. Your lure. When you put yourself up against a bull redfish or a monster tarpon, everything’s riding on your system – all of the fishing components that come together for this moment.

But as legendary South Florida fishing guide Benny Blanco points out in a new video for VMC, any bite could be “that moment,” which means — every bite counts. And you don’t want to miss even one.

What many anglers fail to remember when they think about their system is that there is often times just one point of contact between you and landing that fish of your dreams.

It’s the point of the hook embedded in the mouth of that beast.

Should you be worried?


But not if you’re using a VMC® hook, rig, jig or other terminal tackle.

As Blanco, who has been guiding throughout South Florida (Florida Bay, Biscayne Bay and the Keys) for more than 20 years, notes: VMC hooks are legendary for their high performance. That’s why every Rapala®, Storm®, Luhr-Jensen®, Terminator® and Williamson® lure is designed with VMC hooks.

For more than two centuries, VMC has sought to perfect its hooks, rigs, jigs and terminal tackle. Innovative craftsmanship shows in every product. It’s award-winning designs not only are often first-to-market, but they often redefine the market.

The host of Guiding Flow TV, Blanco is an award-winning tournament guide and conservationist who is part of a movement focused on education, raising awareness and promoting stewardship in an outdoor community that recognizes the need to take action on policies and practices that threaten our water resources. Every show leans on the stories of guests who are connected to the water they fish with the goal of capturing the hearts of viewers by sharing those relatable passionate stories, showcasing world-class fishing adventure, and setting an example of stewardship everyone can follow.

As someone who makes his living from the water, take it from Benny Blanco,

put your trust in VMC® hooks, jigs, rigs and terminal tackle.

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